Trust Respect Unity Excellence
Enrolment & School Fees
Thank you for your interest in applying to enrol your child at St Peter’s Primary School.
Please complete a Student Enrolment Application Form by downloading the enrolment package.
Pre Kindy – your child must be 3 years old prior to commencement
Kindergarten – your child must be 4 years old by 30 June of commencement year
Pre Primary – your child must be 5 years old by 30 June of commencement year
Placements will be offered according to the following criteria:
Siblings of students already enrolled in the school.
Catholic students from within the Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
Catholic students from outside the Parish with a Parish Priest reference.
Other Catholic Students
Children of families with historical links to the school.
Non-Catholic students from other Christian denominations.
Other non-Catholic students.
School Tours
Term One 2025 Open Morning
will take place on Wednesday 19th February.
To make a booking, please contact
Liz Cunningham on 9338 9904 or
Interviews have concluded for
2025 Kindergarten for children born between
1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021.
Waitlist applications invited.
Enrolment applications are invited for
2026 Kindergarten (2025 Pre Kindy) for children born between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022.
Interviews will commence in March 2025.
Please contact Liz Cunningham, Enrolments Officer, on 9338 9904 if you have any further enquiries.
Completed applications are to be submitted:
In person
103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA 6052
PO Box 656, Inglewood WA 6932