Trust Respect Unity Excellence

Welcome from the Principal
At St Peter's School, our core mission is to inspire students to learn, achieve and serve with integrity. Our core values - TRUE (Trust, Respect, Unity, Excellence) - are central to our school’s philosophy. We aim to nurture each child’s unique abilities, providing an environment where they can flourish emotionally, spiritually, academically and socially. By fostering a love for learning, we encourage students to look beyond appearances, seek deeper truths, and discover true happiness.
Our curriculum is designed to offer a wide range of high-quality educational opportunities. With specialist programs in Music, Physical Education, the Arts, and Science, we enrich the academic journey for each child, ensuring they receive a well-rounded education. Each student is individually known, supported, and challenged to reach their full potential through focused interventions that cater to diverse learning needs.
At St Peter's, we are proud to be a Catholic school, with Jesus at the heart of our community. As we strive to reflect on our dignity and purpose, we guide students to develop their natural creativity and critical thinking, preparing them for a future beyond this world.
We believe that parents are the foremost educators of their children, and our partnership with families is essential to student success. We encourage active parental involvement in school life. Together, we create a strong community spirit, where children learn, not only from structured lessons, but also from the adults around them.
This partnership between home and school is mutually supportive, and it is our goal to work together in nurturing and guiding each child. At St Peter's, parents and staff join in a shared mission: to support the personal growth and educational development of every student, helping them become fully integrated, compassionate and capable individuals.
We are committed to providing a high-quality 21st-century Catholic education, where children are encouraged to be open to truth, respectful of differing views, and reflective in their thinking. Our school community welcomes boys and girls from Pre Kindy through to Year Six, ensuring a nurturing and inclusive environment for all.
As a school steeped in Christian values, we foster a sense of belonging, where friendships are formed, and lifelong values are developed. We invite families to explore our website and contact us for a tour to learn more about the vibrant community and exceptional education that St Peter's offers.
Justin Tuohy
About St Peter's