पैरिश विवरण
पैरिश कार्यालय
98 वुड स्ट्रीट
इंगलवुड डब्ल्यूए 6052
(०८) ६४६८ ६६४३
कार्यालय अवधि
मंगल और गुरु सुबह 9 बजे - शाम 4 बजे
९३ वुड स्ट्रीट
इंगलवुड डब्ल्यूए 6052
(०८) ९२७१ ३२८९ / फैक्स
चर्च का पादरी
फादर जेरोनिमो फ्लेमेंको
ईमेल - Flamenco_jeronimo@yahoo.com.au
पैरिश सचिव
लेस्ली लॉकवुड
ईमेल - stpetersoffice@westnet.com.au
संस्कार समन्वयक
क्रिस नेविल (स्कूल टर्म)
ईमेल - stpetersstc@gmail.com
कार्यालय अवधि
मंगल - 8.15am - 4.30pm
बुध - 8.15am - 3.30pm
St Peter's Father Figures Run Club

The initiative will be led by members of the Dads of St Peter’s Committee with the aim to promote health and well-being, and to engage the parents in our community, especially all father figures, to participate with their child in a variety of fun running activities. This includes relays, games and a circuit. We strongly encourage all parents to stay and participate in the activities as an opportunity to spend quality time with your child. Should you be unable to stay, students will be supervised by our dedicated staff who will be assisting on the day.
Further Information:
– The Run Club will be conducted at Grand Prom each Thursday morning from Week 5-10, starting at 7:45am. Students and parents can arrive and join in at any time.
– Running Club is for everyone from Kindy – Year 6
– Students who participate in the Run Club are permitted to wear their Sports uniform for the duration of the day.
– At the end of each session, students will continually run laps of a circuit, with each lap recorded. These laps will be tallied and will go towards a class total. The more students running, the more laps can be achieved!
– Students will be walked back to school by the teachers for an 8:30am start.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to email Matt Nettleton at: matt.nettleton@cewa.edu.au